Top Benefits of an Otoplasty: Boost Confidence & Facial Harmony

Otoplasty, a surgical intervention designed to address concerns related to the shape or prominence of the ears, has demonstrated profound positive impacts on individuals’ lives. Extensive experience with numerous patients underscores the remarkable improvements in both appearance and self-assurance achievable through this procedure. For individuals grappling with self-consciousness regarding ear prominence or asymmetry, otoplasty offers […]

Recovering after Blepharoplasty Surgery

Our eyes are how we visually communicate with others.  And, often, our age begins to demonstrate itself around the eyes earlier than the rest of our features. Patients are often describing how they “look tired” or “look old” when they feel energetic and vibrant. Changes that take place in the contours and soft tissue around […]

How Does the Nose Age After Rhinoplasty?

Does my nose grow as I get older?” and “How will my nose age after rhinoplasty?” are two of the most common questions asked during my day.  To address the first question, the answer is simple: no. But, that answer belies another truth: the nose does appear to change with age and those changes may […]

When is skin cancer reconstruction necessary?

The sun is out and bright here in Georgia and all of us need to be aware.  For those of us with fairer skin the risk of cancer should always be in the back of our minds as we spend time at the pool or on the lake.  And, the lighter the skin color the […]

Cost of Facial Plastic Surgery

Many people are interested in pursuing facial plastic surgery not only for the cosmetic benefits but for the physical and mental health benefits as well. For instance, It is well recognized that an appropriate and expert rhinoplasty (“nose job”) can not only improve one’s appearance it can also improve one’s ability to breathe. Further, when […]

Most common facial plastic surgeries

“We repair and restore that which Nature has given, but Fortune has taken away. Not so that it pleases the eye of the beholder, but so that it buoyes the spirit of the afflicted.” -Gaspare Tagliacozzi       Common Facial Plastic Surgeries   The first plastic surgery is thought to have been performed around […]

Enhance Inner Beauty

For perhaps the first time in recorded human history it has become OK – encouraged even – to talk about mental health. And that is a good first step to enhance inner beauty. The more we talk about mental health and all that it encompasses, the more we learn and the more comfortable we become […]

Common Mistakes in Facial Plastic Surgery

While we spend the month of October scaring ourselves with make-believe ghouls, ghosts and monsters, there is something truly horrific about botched facial plastic surgery. Luckily, it is not a common occurrence – medical journals estimate about seven percent of rhinoplasties (commonly referred to as a nose job) require revisional surgery (another, corrective surgery). Meanwhile, […]

Who is Doing Your Injections?

By now most people have seen the all-too-noticeable effects of too much or poorly performed injections:  gigantic, awkward lips, enormous cheek mounds, frozen expressions.  Unfortunately, these unusual, disproportionate features have become more and more commonplace and one can draw a direct correlation between these features and the increasing number of “practitioners” of injectables. “More” is […]

Is Facial Cosmetic Surgery Right for Me?

So many of us look in the mirror and have a hard seeing the beauty that is within all of us. What we often see staring back at us is something we want to change. The truth is that you are just fine the way you are. You are unique and special in a way […]

Why Consider Facial Plastic Surgery

Over the last two decades facial plastic surgery has moved from the taboo to the widespread. The options available to turn back time are growing in number and the avenues to pursue these options are growing at an equal rate. Surgeries are more effective, with greater results and less down time. Nonsurgical treatments are more […]

Fall Special – $100 Off Radiesse and Xeomin

Treat yourself this fall (October and November 2020) and remove those frown lines and wrinkles with Xeomin®️ and Radiesse®️. If you receive both treatments during your visit, you’ll receive $100 off! What is Xeomin®️? Frown lines form when facial expressions are made as the muscle under the skin contracts. Over time, as your skin ages, […]